Presidential Range Expedition

In late July, 2002, hikers from Troop 132 set out on an expedition to take on a large piece of the Presidential Range in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The plan was to ascend Mt. Madison and cross Mounts Adams, Jefferson, and Clay on the way to Mt. Washington. As the day wore on, some members of the crew managed to complete the planned trek, and some climbed Mt. Adams and sought an alternate route down from the White Mountains, but all experienced a grueling workout and were treated to some of the best views on Earth.

Click on the links below to view the pictures:
JD Sleeping
Water Stop
Auto Road
Auto Road 2
Near Summit
Near Summit 2
Cog Railroad
Observation Deck
Looking Down
Checking it out
Auto Road 3
Auto Road 4
A.T. Arrow
Guard Rails??
Lion Head and Washington
Starting out
Dan Webster Trail
Warning Sign
Looking up at Madison
Cloud on Trail
Mt. Adams from Madison
Madison near Summit
Auto Road from Madison
Madison Summit
Madison Hut
Knife Edge
Adams Summit
Star Lake
Pizza 2
Pizza 3

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